About deviousLINK


deviousLINK is a web listing by artists, for artists which aims to list artists with their own websites and the work they create.

It's obviously themed after perhaps the most known layout of deviantART, before it switched to dA Eclipse, which spelled a mass exodus of users from what once was the art website.

We are not affilated or endorsed by Wix (and matter of fact, we do not *want* to.

deviousLINK is a labor of love and a memorial for old deviantART, even if its reputation was sometimes questionable.

Rules of deviousLINK

All members are urged to obey those; failure to do so will result in removal from dL. If you notice someone breaking the rules, message the maintainer at devious@brainworms.nl

  • Content/members promoting or glorifying bigotry (nazism, fascism, queerphobia, ableism, racism, classism etc.) is not allowed on deviousLINK.
  • Members creating adult-only work (including but not limited to gore, body horror, sexual themes) are allowed on deviousLINK, as long as their dL page is SFW and they have proper warnings in place.
  • Content such as loli/shotacon and cub is not allowed on deviousLINK due to problematic legal nature of this content.
  • Members that are found to be partaking in harassment, stalking, abuse will be removed immediately from deviousLINK
  • Members who fail to update their website links within 30 days will be removed from deviousLINK - they are welcome to re-apply of course!
  • AI-generated content is strictly forbidden on deviousLINK as it goes against the idea of this weblisting.